DJ Krush made a stop at ALUMNI Chengdu for a leg of his China tour. After the show, we had the opportunity to interview him. Check out the conversation in the video below.
K:こんにちは、日本から来ましたDJ KRUSHです、よろしく。
Hello, I’m DJ KRUSH from Japan. It’s nice to meet you.
What was Tokyo’s scene like when you first started exploring music?
When I first started participating in Hip Hop there was not that much information and you had to really seek out what was happening. There weren’t that many DJs and “Hip Hop” as a keyword was less used at the time.
Who were you exchanging ideas with at the time?
There were less young DJs at the time and I’ll speak more on it later, but it was with friends that I’ve met on the streets of Harajuku.
Are those friends still involved as DJs or involved with music?
There are still some DJs who make a living from music and some who have made it as rappers. One of them would be MURO.
Z:どんな機かっけでKRUSH POSSEのメンバーと出会いました
How did you come to meet the KRUSH POSSE members?
K:先話したけど、DJはやっぱり人の前にやりたくて、みんな見てるとこでやりたくて、原宿の交差点のストリートに出て、DJをブレークダンサーの人たちと一緒にやってて、それよくMURO君が見に来てた、“何やってんだろう”みたいな感じで、MURO君もすごく音楽が好きだったみたいで、毎週日曜日に来てくれるから、“こういうの好きなの”って声をかけて、“すごい好きです”、“じゃなんか一緒にやろうよ”みたいな。それが機かっけでKRUSH POSSEができてい
As I spoke earlier, DJs naturally want to perform in front of people at places where there is an audience. We’d perform at the crossroads of Harajuku with a group of DJs and break dancers every Sunday. MURO would come check us out often with a curious face like “What are these people doing?”. He would come every week and seemed to really enjoy the music and so I approached him to ask if he was into this kind of stuff. He enthusiastically said “I’m really into this!”, that’s where I said “let’s maybe do something together”. That’s essentially how KRUSH POSSE came to be.
Was MURO rapping at the time?
MURO was a DJ at first. Our crew had lots of DJs and so I had suggested to MURO that maybe he should rap instead. I even wrote his first lyrics. I bet you didn’t know that. *laugh
I had no idea!
What was Tokyo’s scene like when you first started exploring music?
When I first started participating in Hip Hop there was not that much information and you had to really seek out what was happening. There weren’t that many DJs and “Hip Hop” as a keyword was less used at the time.
I said “let’s maybe do something together”. That’s essentially how KRUSH POSSE came to be.
Z:MO WAXでの思い出に忘れ難い経験とかありますか。 Do you have any interesting memories from your time with MO’ WAX?
K:MO WAXツアーで、イギリスを回った時に、DJ SHADOWも一緒で、ブリストルのクラブでショーだったんですけど、結構パンパンにお客さんが満員に入ってて、クラブの空調システムがすごく悪くて、壁を触るとこに水滴の湿気で、ターンテーブルも湿気でもう本当に水滴みたいになっててスクラッチができなかった、水があるからちょっと感電してすごいスクラッチができたらいいなみたいな笑い話はSHADOWとして言ってた、スクラッチは全然できなかった。 I was on a MO’ WAX tour in the UK along with DJ SHADOW and we were at a fairly packed club in Bristol. The club had a really bad air conditioning system which caused major condensation, the walls would be wet from the moisture and water droplets would form on the turntables making it impossible to scratch the records. SHADOW and I would joke that it would be fun if an electric shock from the water would let us do some crazy scratches. There was no scratching that night.
Z:じゃその時はどうやって解決したんですか。 So what was the result of that?
K:もうスクラッチができたかったからスクラッチをやらないで、その時はアナログ盤だったから、毎回毎回タオルで拭いてやっていた、大変だった。 There was no scratching since we couldn’t. I’d have to wipe every record dry since we were only playing vinyl then. It was a hassle.
Z:それは大変ですね、リミックスもするし… That sounds hectic, and you’d do remixes as well…
K:そう、なかなか上手いのはできなかった、レコード盤もターンテーブルにくっついちゃうし、指折れるんじゃないかくらい、スクラッチできない。 Right, I couldn’t play the way I wanted to, the wet records would stick to the turntables and my fingers felt like they were going to break, scratching was just not possible.
Z:FUTURAさんと仕事するのはどんな感じでしたか。 What was it like working with FUTURA?
K:僕がFUTURAとやろうって言ったわけじゃなくて、MO WAXのJAMES LAVELLEが結構FUTURAとよくやってたので、多分JAMESが“これKRUSHとSHADOWに逢ってたら面白いじゃないか”っていうアイディアでFUTURAを使ったのかな。 I didn’t necessarily decide to work with FUTURA. JAMES LAVELLE of MO’ WAX was good friends with FUTURA and thought we would probably be a good match if we met.
Z:FUTURAさんのアートワークは好きですか? Do you like FUTURA’s artwork?
K:もちろん大好きです、すごいフォーマットぶっ壊す感じで、僕の音楽と近いもの感じる、すごい素晴らしいアーティストだと思う。 Of course, I love his work. His work feels like it’s breaking the traditional format and has a similar approach to my music. He’s an extraordinary artist. Z:協力するのも上手く行ってましたか。 Were you able to work well together?
K:僕は彼のデザインすごい好きだし、彼の絵に影響すごいされるし、その後も結構東京で一緒にショーやったりとかはしました。 I’m a fan of his design and was heavily influenced by his artwork. Even back then we had done a good amount of shows together in Tokyo.
Z:どんなショーですか。 What kind of shows?
K:お酒のブランドのショーだったりとか、FUTURAが現場で生で書いて、僕はDJしてみたいな。 There were some alcohol sponsored shows and such. FUTURA would do live paintings and I would DJ.
Z:アルバムのアートワークのアーティストをどのように選んでいますか。 How do you decide who to work with on album artwork?
K:FUTURAとMO WAX以後は結構自分たちで、スタッフといろいろ考えながら、アイディアを出してたりしてました。今ちょうど新しいアルバムを作ってて、まだ音を作ってる段階なんですけど、“次はジャケットどうしようかなみたいな”ちょうど今考えてるところだった。 When it was with FUTURA and MO’ WAX we would exchange ideas amongst ourselves with the team and come up with ideas. I’m actually in the middle of producing a new album and was just thinking about how to approach the album artwork.
Z:まだ決まってないですか。 So, it’s not decided yet.
K:まだ決まってない。なんか良い人いますか。 Not yet, know anyone interesting?
Z:僕が良いと思います。 I think I would be good.
K:デザインできるの。 You do design work?
Z:できます、冗談ですけど笑 I can, I’m just kidding, though *laugh
DJ Krush at ALUMNI Chengdu
Z:最近聴いてる新しい音楽はありますか。 Are you listening to any new music these days?
K:そうだな、いろいろ聴いてるんですけど,UK系のアンダーグランドのBASSミュージック系は最近すごい好きでよくプレーもしますね。 Let’s see, I listen to all kinds of music, but I’m currently enjoying underground UK Bass music and play that type of sound often.>
Z:そうですね、聴きました、その中にお勧めしたいのアーティストはありますか。 I’m aware of the music, any artists in particular?
Z:RASRANKINからの質問です、最初成都に来たのは2006年ですね、それもう十何年前で、その時と今は、成都に対しての印象は何か違いがありますか。 Here’s a question from RASRANKIN. It's been years since you first visited Chengdu in 2006, what is your impression of Chengdu from your experiences from then and now?
K:いろんな国を毎年回ってるんで結構記憶に残るのがすごく難しいだけど、今回のことを話すと、やっぱしみんな耳がすごく超えてる、すごいいろんなものを受け入れてくれた。 I tour across many countries every year and things can be difficult to remember, but I can say that everyone’s music taste is elevated. People are accepting of all kinds of sounds.
Z:KRUSHさんからの質問はありますか、私たちに。 Do you have any questions for us?
K:今成都の音楽シーンはどういう感じなんですか。 What is the music scene like in Chengdu these days?
Z:音楽シーンは極端に分かれてます。 The music scene is very divided.
K:メジャーシーンとアンダーグランドシーンみたいな感じ? Sort of like the mainstream versus the underground?
Z:アンダーグランドシーンにイレクトロニックを聴く人たちとヒップホップを聴く人たちは、それも全然別れてて、でもみんなはいい音楽をディグしています。DJも多くて、曲を作ってるプロデューサーも結構多くなってきました。 The underground electronic and hip hop scenes don’t really cross over and stay within their own circles. But people are digging and searching for good music. There’s been an increase in DJs and producers making music in Chengdu.
K:昨日一緒にイベントをやった二人のDJ、彼らもすごい良かった、ちゃんと見てた。 I was watching those two DJs from last night’s event and they were on point.
Z:じゃ最後に何か一言を。 Any last words?
K:成都のみんなさん、音楽は国境から越えるんで、手を繋いていきましょう、音楽だけは、ピース。 To my friends of Chengdu, music crosses all boundaries, so let’s do this thing together, at least with music. Peace.
Translation by Ribo Azumaya